
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Love & Loyalty

"Girl's will give up their body before they give up their name! A man is going to do what he’s going to do. But he has to be smart enough and loyal enough for you to never feel it, see it or hear it…

…Certain things come with the territory. But RESPECT is never something that's up for question. It's not a bargaining tool. Yeah, we may have to sacrifice time. You know what I mean, because they're chasing checks. It gets lonely. But guess what, when they get home from cashing them checks, if you’re the first person they want to spend their time with, then it’s worth it. When a man truly loves a woman, he does what he has to do to keep her and make her happy.

…If nothing else in my relationship, I have a LOYAL man. He's loyal to my feelings. He's loyal to our relationship. And he's loyal to our future. And that's what I ask for.

If a man is loyal to you, he's going to make sure you're protected on every front. Your emotional situation. Your financial situation. Loyalty is a huge umbrella. That's all you need. Someone that's loyal to your heart and to your soul. Somebody that when you smile, they smile bigger. Somebody that works harder to be a better man for you. THAT’S what you look for!”
 -Christine "Chrissy" Lampkin, Love & Hip Hop

(Those Who Know Me Know- THIS is the love I want.)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Church in the Wild

When listening to the opening song, ‘No Church in the Wild’, on Jay-Z and Kanye West's Watch the Throne album, the chorus rang so resiliently in my soul that I am now obsessed with getting it tattooed on the back of my neck-
(This is the EXACT tattoo, font and all, that I want.)
"Human Beings in a Mob. What's a Mob to a King? What's a King to a God? What's a God to a Nonbeliever Who Don't Believe in Anything?"
With some conspiracy theorist preaching that Jay-Z and Kanye West are exalted members of the Illuminati, I thought I better do some research before I permanently engrave this statement into my consecrated flesh. After all, I do want this on the back of my neck and I can’t be having any Holy Rollers trying to douse me with Holy water behind my back! Rap Genius says:
"A subversion of the Christian concept of the Great Chain of Being, a strict hierarchical categorization of all life and matter with God at the very top and kings above all other humans

All of the things discussed on the hook lose significance compared to another:

· A mob vs. A king = No competition. The king has power over his subjects

· A king vs. A God = No competition. Most kings in the western hemisphere were on the throne by virtue of what was called the divine right of kings, which supports the argumentation of a God being more powerful than a king

· A God vs. a non-believer = No competition? By not believing, the non-believer has arguably trounced God, as his or her life is in no way governed by religion or other earthly manifestations of God’s supposed will/laws/whatevs. Not only is the non-believer not ruled by God, to him or her God doesn’t even exist

This brings us, the listeners, back full circle to the single human mentioned at the beginning of the hook."
Deep right?

So this leads me to look up The Great Chain of Being. Because Those Who Know Me Know I am not religious at all; I had never heard of that concept before. So I head over to the all-knowing Wikipedia...

The great chain of being (Latin: scala naturae, literally "ladder or stair-way of nature"), is a Christian concept detailing a strict, religious hierarchical structure of all matter and life, believed to have been decreed by the Christian God. The chain starts from God and progresses downward to angels, demons (fallen/renegade angels), stars, moon, kings, princes, nobles, men, wild animals, domesticated animals, trees, other plants, precious stones, precious metals, and other minerals.

Makes sense. I can dig it.

....Okay, so here’s where all my long-windedness leads me to- HUMANITY

For Medieval and Renaissance thinkers, humans occupied a unique position on the Chain of Being, straddling the world of spiritual beings and the world of physical creation. Humans were thought to possess divine powers such as reason, love, and imagination. Like angels, humans were spiritual beings, but unlike angels, human souls were "knotted" to a physical body. As such, they were subject to passions and physical sensations—pain, hunger, thirst, sexual desire—just like other animals lower on the Chain of the Being. They also possessed the powers of reproduction unlike the minerals and rocks lowest on the Chain of Being. Humans had a particularly difficult position, balancing the divine and the animalistic parts of their nature. For instance, an angel is only capable of intellectual sin such as pride (as evidenced by Lucifer's fall from heaven in Christian belief). Humans, however, were capable of both intellectual sin and physical sins such as lust and gluttony if they let their animal appetites overrule their divine reason. Humans also possessed sensory attributes: sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. Unlike angels, however, their sensory attributes were limited by physical organs. (They could only know things they could discern through the five senses.) The highest-ranking human being was the King.

WOW! Wow.

I have conceived this in my mind, but I have never really thought of my earthy being in this way before- straddled between the Spiritual and Physical world! I know as humans we have this distinct purpose that is unique to any other being and/or thing in this universe. Maybe this just explains it in layman’s terms. 

This is a total AHA Moment for me! You know sometimes when your mind and mouth fight for the right words to explain things! Or you just can’t pinpoint something, then when it’s finally there, you jump up and down like a little kid, point at it and start talking in monkey-talk, “Ooo! Ooo! Oooo!!!”

Yes, my friends, I have found Church in the Wild!

Let the church say, “Amen.”

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Too Fool for School

Being in the age of modern technology, we are straying further away from verbal communication and seeing a lot more typed/written content. And this has exposed the obvious Illiteracy of America.

Those Who Know Me Know I have never won (or even qualified) for a Spelling Bee. But Great Googly Moogly! Some people’s spelling and grammar are just atrocious! What’s even more disturbing are those who intentionally misspell words! I’m not even talking about Text Talk which purpose is to be to shorten words and terms, but pure unadulterated ‘Screw English!’ misspellings!

When did this become the new fad? Who decided proper English is for Nerds & Outcasts? I see the things my children text to their friends and often think to myself, “Man! Does my kid even know how to READ!?” How many times have you gone to your Facebook news feed and thought that you have somehow slipped in the vortex of DUMB!?

Forget passing out condoms in school. Can we pass out some DICTIONARIES!?

Friday, January 13, 2012

10 Random Things That Annoy Me

  1. Widow Peaks
  2. People Who Post More Than 3 YouTube Videos at a Time on Facebook
  3. How Ashy My Hands Are
  4. Waitresses with Attitudes
  5. Ugly Children
  6. This Janitor Lady at Work
  7. Cats
  8. How Most of the Black Celebrity Gossip Sites Are Blocked at My Job But and Aren't
  9. Style-Less Long Hair
  10. Seeing My Real Nails Growing Under My Acrylic Nails

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm Rich, Bitch!

I guess since everyone else is talking about the most famous 5-day-old, Blue Ivy Carter, I’ll talk about her too!

Those Who Know Me Know, I used to despise Beyonce! And this was simply because I was obsessed with Jay-Z and she took my “husband-in-my-head”! But in all honesty, the birth of B.I.C. has totally converted my Hater ways. Therefore I know, this child is no illuminati baby, but an angel sent from the heavens above!

With all the nasty rumors surrounding this child’s birth, like the
unsubstantiated claims they kept other parents from seeing their children in the NICU, the one that bothers me the most is how they “wasted money” tearing down 6-8 standard rooms and converting them into 2 luxury birthing suits.

The room isn't even all that fancy! You know if it was Mariah there'd be rhinstones and shit all over the place!

One comment on read,
“...when I think of being disabled, losing my home shortly, being unable to work, and unable to help my son with college, it makes me heart sick that $1.3 million was paid for this room. Your money could be spent in a way that blesses thousands of other people, and humbles you and your husband instead…”
And to this I say BITCH it ain’t their fault you’re broke! (Ooo! I probably should be calling disabled people bitches, huh? The Devil made me do it. Don’t mind me.)

Here you have two of the most hardest working entertainers in the world and you mean to tell me with all that money they WORKED for and EARNED Beyonce should be up in the regular Medicare suit, sharing a room with some stranger? Having to fight to close her raggedy curtain in attempts to give herself some privacy to breastfeed her newborn or have the nurse check her sanitary napkin? GTFOH!

People amaze me sometimes. Why does someone need to suffer as you do to be empathetic with your life’s circumstances? Since when is it a crime to use your own money to do...whatever the hell you want to with it!? It’s none of your business!

Plus this couple has given more money to charity in their lifetime than us normal folk will probably ever earn in ours. Hell, now even the hospital has 2 executive suits they can rent out and earn themselves more revenue!

The great almighty Oprah Winfrey summed up my sentiments exactly with this statement she made in an interview-
‘I was coming back from Africa on one of my trips," she said. "I had taken one of my wealthy friends with me. She said, 'Don't you just feel guilty? Don't you just feel terrible?' I said, 'No, I don't. I do not know how me being destitute is going to help them.'

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"You Should Care..."

…but I don’t.
I find it interesting the same day I was looking for a work-appro
priate way to say, “I Don’t Give a Fuck”, I was told by a friend,
You should care…”. (...then this was followed by some directives to do some shit I’m not going to do.)

Those Who Know Me Know that I am an extremely, as my sister Kelly once clarified for me, INTENSE person. It’s a personality trait (or some may consider a defect) of mine. I, more often than not, run off of emotions. And of course, sometimes that gets me in trouble. But my Feelings are one thing about me that is 100% pure, raw, and true. My Feelings are the uncut Columbian Coke of Ernestine.

I am always accountable for my responses/actions to those feelings, yes. But I never feel like I should have to apologize for my feelings. I am the one who passes the condolence and birthday cards at work to the neighboring cubicle without signing it. If I don’t have a relationship with you, sure, I can empathize. But do I care, no. And I feel like I’d rather give you nothing than give you fake words of concern or congratulations.

Think about it! Have you ever gotten one of those bulk birthday cards at work signed by the project VP, your manager and everyone within 5 rows of cubicles?
Do you honestly think,
“Wow! All these people really DO care about me!”
Or is it more like,
“Screw this card! Where’s my bonus check!?”

Now you're probably thinking, “Damn! Ernestine is hella mean!” And again, I’d have to ask for an appropriate way to say,
“I Don’t Give a Fuck”.
I’m honest.
And I think you should care more about that.

…but I’m really not that mean. J

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Devil Is A Hater

I guess if I’m going to blog, I might as well jump in feet first into the deep end, right? And Those Who Know Me Know I’ve never been afraid to make a few waves!

I posed a question to my Facebook friends yesterday,
“Do You Believe in the Devil?”
Most everyone said, yes, they do believe in the Devil. Some reasoned that you cannot believe in God if you don’t believe in the devil. I find this to be amazingly deciduous!

Why is someone’s greatness contingent upon someone else’s evilness? Why must God have some Joker-esque arch nemesis as a barometer for his glorious power?

That thought process reminds me of those who say,
“If You Don’t Have Haters, You’re Not Doing Something Right!”, you have to have a slew of mutha fuckas that HATE you in order for you do be successful in life? I think if you have a lot of haters, you might actually SUCK!

I think everyone should like you! Well, at least I think everyone should like ME. Actually, that is one of my mottos,
“If You Don’t Like ME, Something is Wrong With YOU!” 
And it wouldn’t be because you’re a Hater. I like to think of you as a Bad Note-Taker. I pretty much tell you all the things I have and how I got them. Just take better NOTES and you can be likable like Me too!

Just like the Devil, I think people should just stop using Haters as an excuse to be shitty. If you are feeling negativity around you, stop, look, and pay attention! Ask yourself, “What am I doing that may be shading my shine?”  Is the Devil on your shoulders? Nah, it’s just yo ass not acting right!

I don’t believe in Haters. I don’t believe in the Devil.